28 December 2010
Waving to Year 2010
27 December 2010
update 1000 jiwa 1 hati
Aturcara Dan Keperluan
31 Disember 2010 (Jumaat)
3.30 – 5.30 ptg : Kehadiran peserta Himpunan 1000 Jiwa 1 Hati
5.30 – 5.40 ptg : Ucapan alu-aluan pengerusi majlis
5.40 – 6.00 ptg : Ucapan oleh Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah Induk Raudhatus Sakinah
- Prof Madya Dr Harlina Halizah Hj Siraj
6.00-6.20 ptg : Ucap Utama & Perasmian Oleh Pengarah JAWI
- Y.Bhg Dato’ Hj Che Mat Che Ali
6.20 – 6.30 ptg : Gimik Pembukaan
6.30 – 7.05 mlm : Makan malam
7.05 – 7.45 mlm : Solat Maghrib Berjamaah
7.45 – 8.45 mlm : Bicara Orang Muda, Oleh Sdr Auzan Hasanudin (Mantan Setiausaha Agung KARISMA)
8.30 – 9.10 mlm : Solat Isyak Berjamaah
9.10 – 10.40 mlm : ABJZ SHOW : `Remaja, Tahun & Azam Baru’
- multimedia ABJZ disebalik tabir
- Bicara ABJZ bersama Prof Madya Dr Harlina, Ummiroses dan Ibu Yus
- Persembahan oleh Ibu Aisyah
- Persembahan oleh Saff One
- Pengacara Jemputan : Wardina
10.40 – 11.00 mlm : Bacaan Ikrar Anda Bijak Jauhi Zina (ABJZ)
11.00 – 12.00 mlm : Aktiviti Dalam Kumpulan
1 Januari 2011 (Sabtu)
12.00 – 4.30 pg : Tidur/Rehat
4.30 – 5.00 pg : Siap diri
5.00 – 5.50 pg : Qiyamulail Perdana (Dipimpin Oleh Imam Muda Azhar)
5.50 – 6.15 pg : Solat Subuh Berjamaah
6.15 – 7.15 pg : Tazkirah `Hari Baru, Pagi Tahun Baru’
Penyampai : Ustaz Zulkefli Ahmad (TYDP IKRAM Bandar Tun Razak)
7.15 – 8.20 pg : Sarapan & Siap diri untuk Majlis Penutup
8.30 – 9.00 pg : UcapanMajlis Penutup
- oleh Pengarah Raudhatus Sakinah Pusat (Merangkap Master Trainer ABJZ), Puan Rosmawati Zainal
9.00 pg : Bersurai
Keperluan Program
1. Alas tidur
2. Quran Terjemahan
3. Pakaian menutup aurat & sopan
4. Berus gigi, sabun mandi, ect
5. Pakaian solat
6. Alat tulis
7. Ubat-ubatan (jika ada)
p/s:tiba-tiba ana mcm x dpt dtg. maaf ye akhawat..
12 December 2010
04 December 2010
1000 Jiwa 1 Hati
30/12/2010 - 1/1/2011
Masjid Negara
Anjuran : Raudhatus Sakinah dan Jawi
Daftar di: www.raudatussakinah.com sebelum 10 disember 2010
Penginapan dan makanan FREE!
- Memberi pendedahan tentang bagaimana mendekati dan berdakwah remaja2 sekarang
28 November 2010
فتية الحق
22 November 2010
NURUL AIN Part 8: Mereka yang Kejar Dunia
19 November 2010
Bila sekali dahi (tak kisahlah samada berkedut atau tak) dah di cop sbg seorang pelajar/student/penuntut ilmu atau yg sewaktu dengannya, 'fenomena' ujian ni tak pernah nak reti untuk henti daripada datang tanpa diundang. Nak tak nak, rempuh jelah...
Frust, tension, perasaan nak rebus semua mi maggi kat dapur... memang ni lumrah kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar.
Tapi, masih kita sedar bahawa:
Kerana sesungguhnya bersama setiap kesulitan ada kemudahan,
Sesungguhnya bersama setiap kesulitan ada kemudahan.
Sesiapa2 sahaja boleh tension (tak caya? gi suruh budak tadika wat kerja rumah korang, konfem tension, haha3)
Tapi yang membuat kita lain dari yang lain ialah bagaimana kita handle semua ini. Cuba tengok negara Jepun, negara yang kadar bunuh diri nya amat tinggi (kisah sebenar). Harap je otak pandai, kira tak guna kalkulator, square root semua kena hafal (square root 2 ialah 1.41, square root 3 ialah 1.73 - geh, ana pun dah jadik orang jepun ke? oh tidak!)...
Ingatlah, Allah takkan membebankan hambanya melibihi daripada kadar kemampuannya.
Alang-alang dah tulis pasal beberapa ayat Surah Insyirah, meh kita usha skit info pasal surah ni:
- Nabi Muhammad S.A.W bersabda: “Barangsiapa membaca surah Alam Nasyrah. seperti ia mendatangi aku dan aku mengambil kesempatan maka menjadi suatu kelapangan daripadaku.”
- Barangsiapa membiasakan membaca surah Alam Nasyrah selesai mengerjakan solat fardhu, nescaya Allah permudahkan urusannya serta memudahkan segala keperluan dan dimudahkan rezekinya.
- Sesiapa yang membacanya nescaya Allah turut melapangkan dadanya serta dijauhkan daripada segala kesukaran dalam segala urusannya. Dihilangkan segala sifat kesal dan jemu, serta mendatangkan rajin dalam mengerjakan ibadat.
Dahlah tu, panjang sangat takut membebel pulak. Kepada yang tengah menghadapi peperiksaan, good luck, bittawfiq wannajah. Selamat berjihad. 頑張れ!(ganbare!)
12 November 2010
08 November 2010
THINGS TO DO on the first 10 days of Dzulhijjah ^_^
Bismillah and salaam to all ^_^
The month of Dzulhijjah is the last month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar. What’s so special about it? It’s the month of Hajj, where pilgrims embark on a wonderful sacred journey in Mecca to please God, masyallah. As Muslims, we should make use of the first 10 days of Dzulhijjah and maximize in doing good deeds. Here are the things Muslims ought to do:
1. In order to completely embrace Dzulhijjah, one should learn and get to know the importance of the month. The significance of this month has been highlighted in the Quran, especially on the first 10 days. So let’s increase our knowledge and receive great blessings and rewards from Allah, insyallah!
Related verse from the Quran:
“By the Dawn and by the Ten nights, by the odd and even (8th and 9th Dzulhijjah)” [ Al-Fajr 89:1-3]
Related hadith:
Prophet (pbuh) said: “There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days.” [Bukhaari]
2. The next good deed we Muslims ought to do is to remember and glorify Allah. To do so, recite “Laa ilaaha illallah” and “Alhamdullilah”! In addition, increase in doing good deeds such as praying on time, fasting or doing charity during the 10 days mentioned. It is also sunnah to glorify Allah (takbir) from Fajr prayer on the day of Arafah (9th Dzulhijjah), up until after Asar prayer on the last day of Tashreeq (11th to 13th of Dzulhijjah). After each prayer, to takbir:
“Alahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar (Allah is great, Allah is great, Allah is great)
Laa ilaaha illallah, wallahu akbar (None has the right to be worshipped except Him)
Allahu akbar wa lillaahil-hamd (Allah is great and to all praises belong to Him)”
Hadith from: Ibnu Abu Shaybah in al-Musannaf / authenticated by Al-Albanee
Related hadith:
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “There are no days during which good deeds are more beloved to Allah than these 10 days” [Al- Bukhari vol 2, book 15, hadith # 86 ]
3. The 9th day of Dzulhijjah is the day of Arafah, where on this day, the pilgrims gather at the mountain plain of Arafah, praying and making dua’ to Allah. For those of us who are not in Arafah, it is mustahabb (HIGHLY recommended) to fast on the day of Arafah! By doing so, according to a hadith from Muslim, our sins from last year and the coming year will be “deleted!” masyallah!
Note: Arafah will fall on Monday, 15th of November 2010. So try to fast on this day!
Related hadith:
Narrated by Abu Qatadah (r.a ): The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Allah will expiate for you your sins of the past year and the coming year” [Muslim #1162 ]
4. Though Qurban (Udhiyyah – Sacrificial Slaughter) is sunnah and not wajib (compulsory), we Muslims should participate in the ritual if we can afford it (monetary). It is indeed a pious, sacred and righteous deed loved by Allah! If you could do so, ask your nearest mosque or Islamic Community Center for further details.
NOTE: For a person who wants to participate in the Qurban, one is not allowed to remove anything from their hair (cut hair) or nails for the first 10 days of Dzulhijjah [Hadith from Muslim]
Related verse from the Quran:
“It is not the flesh and blood of your sacrifice that reaches Allah, but it is taqwa from you that reaches Him” [Al-Hajj 22:37]
5. Make loads of nice dua’s for the pilgrims; such as your mum, dad, grandmother/father, siblings, aunties/uncles, neighbours or even your friend from the internet/social network who have embarked upon the Hajj. Make dua’ to Allah for Him to safeguard the pilgrims from misfortunes and for their safe returns, and also for them to attain Hajj Mabrur, insyallah.
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